Wednesday, August 20, 3000

Undebunking Bigfoot - Permanent Top Post

Best Evidence & Content that Counters Pseudo-Skepticism Regarding the Topic of Sasquatch Interviews:

Truth Teller's Radio Episode 20: JM Talboo Interviews Stan Gordon about Recent Bigfoot and UFO Sightings In Pennsylvania, Meaning of the Bigfoot UFO/Connection, and Possible Alien Nature of the Kecksberg UFO Crash:

Interview with Bigfoot Times Newsletter Creator Daniel Perez:

The mission of this site is to provide content that counters pseudo-skepticism regarding the topic of Bigfoot, or Sasquatch if you rather. Content that provides what we find to be the most impeccable evidence in general will also be posted. 
Dame Jane Morris Goodall, DBE (born Valerie Jane Morris-Goodall on 3 April 1934) is a British primatologist, ethologist, anthropologist, and UN Messenger of Peace Considered to be the world's foremost expert on chimpanzees, Goodall is best known for her 45-year study of social and family interactions of wild chimpanzees in Gombe Stream National Park, Tanzania. She is the founder of the Jane Goodall Institute and has worked extensively on conservation and animal welfare issues. -

On Friday, September 27, 2002, during National Public Radio's (NPR) Talk of the Nation: Science Friday with Ira Flatow, Dr. Jane Goodall made a striking comment on her strong beliefs that large "undiscovered" primates, such as the Yeti or Sasquatch, do indeed exist. - Transcript of Dr. Jane Goodall's Comments on NPR Regarding Sasquatch

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Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Top 10 Intriguing Chupacabra Sightings: A Look at the Legend

Top 10 Intriguing Chupacabra Sightings: A Look at the Legend

The Chupacabra, meaning "goat-sucker" in Spanish, is one of the most mysterious cryptids to emerge from Latin American folklore. Described as a creature with sharp spines down its back, leathery or scaly skin, and a hunger for livestock blood, the chupacabra has captured imaginations across the Americas. Here are ten of the most intriguing sightings of this elusive beast.

1. The Original Puerto Rican Incident (1995)
Location: Canóvanas, Puerto Rico
Source: [The Miami Herald, 1995]

The first widely reported sighting of the chupacabra came from Puerto Rico, where local farmer Madelyne Tolentino described seeing a creature unlike anything known to science. Around the same time, eight sheep were found drained of blood, with puncture marks on their necks. The creature was described as a reptilian biped, with spikes along its spine. This account not only kicked off the chupacabra legend but also set the stage for countless future sightings across the Americas.

2. The Moca Vampire (1975)
Location: Moca, Puerto Rico
Source: [El Vocero de Puerto Rico, 1975]

Two decades before the famous 1995 Puerto Rican sighting, Moca had its own bizarre livestock attacks. Farmers found animals drained of blood through small, precise incisions. At first, the phenomenon was attributed to a "Moca Vampire." Although no one saw the creature, many believe this event laid the foundation for the chupacabra lore to come. Eyewitnesses later claimed it was eerily similar to what people would later describe as the chupacabra.

3. The Texas Chupacabra (2004)
Location: Elmendorf, Texas
Source: [Texas Monthly, 2004]

In 2004, a strange creature was shot and killed by a rancher in Elmendorf, Texas. This odd, hairless animal with blue-gray skin sparked debate—was this the infamous chupacabra? It was later determined to be a coyote with severe mange, but locals remain convinced that it was something more. The "Elmendorf Beast," as it came to be called, brought the chupacabra into American folklore, fueling modern-day cryptozoology discussions.

4. Chile's Creepy Encounter (2000)
Location: Calama, Chile
Source: [BBC, 2000]

In the year 2000, farmers in northern Chile reported a rash of goat and chicken deaths, eerily drained of blood. Witnesses claimed to have seen a creature with glowing red eyes, capable of jumping great distances. These reports echoed previous descriptions of the chupacabra, and some believe the creature had migrated from Puerto Rico to South America, following its food source—livestock.

5. The Brazilian Massacre (1999)
Location: São Paulo, Brazil
Source: [Folha de S.Paulo, 1999]

Brazil had its share of chupacabra-related hysteria when, in 1999, 13 goats were found dead in São Paulo, all drained of blood. The precise nature of the wounds stumped authorities and veterinarians alike. Residents described seeing a creature "walking upright with spines down its back" before the attacks. The frequency of these sightings cemented the chupacabra as a South American urban legend.

6. The "Chupacabra Dog" of Russia (2005)
Location: Central Russia
Source: [The Moscow Times, 2005]

Russia might seem far removed from chupacabra territory, but in 2005, reports surfaced of a chupacabra-like creature killing livestock in Central Russia. Farmers found dozens of sheep and chickens dead, drained of blood, and with puncture wounds. A strange, dog-like creature was eventually shot, and while authorities dismissed it as a wild dog with mange, the local population remained convinced this was something else—possibly a variation of the chupacabra, adapted to colder climates.

7. The Nicaragua Scare (2000)
Location: Managua, Nicaragua
Source: [La Prensa, 2000]

The year 2000 saw a spike in chupacabra sightings in Nicaragua, where dozens of farmers reported attacks on their livestock. Local authorities found bloodless carcasses of chickens and goats, with puncture wounds at their necks. While some claimed the chupacabra was responsible, skeptics suspected a human perpetrator was behind the killings. The mass hysteria that ensued, however, solidified Nicaragua as a hotspot for chupacabra lore.

8. The Phylis Canion Mystery (2007)
Location: Cuero, Texas
Source: [National Geographic, 2007]

In 2007, rancher Phylis Canion found several of her chickens dead, with their blood drained. She later discovered an odd, hairless creature on her property, which she believed to be a chupacabra. Canion kept the remains, sparking a media frenzy. DNA tests later suggested it was a coyote hybrid with mange, but many locals were not convinced. This incident reignited global interest in the chupacabra, blending cryptid lore with scientific curiosity.

9. The Arizona Desert Sighting (2010)
Location: Tucson, Arizona
Source: [Tucson Sentinel, 2010]

A reported sighting in the Arizona desert gained attention in 2010 when hikers claimed to see a bipedal, spine-covered creature feeding on a dead coyote. The beast quickly fled, leaving behind deep claw marks. Though local authorities dismissed it as a misidentified wild animal, the description matched earlier chupacabra sightings, suggesting that the creature might have ventured into the U.S. desert southwest, where it could thrive away from human eyes.

10. The Oklahoma Roadside Encounter (2014)
Location: Ratliff City, Oklahoma
Source: [ABC News, 2014]

In 2014, a strange creature was captured on camera running across a rural road in Oklahoma. The footage showed an animal with a slender body, large eyes, and patchy fur. Wildlife experts claimed it was likely a sick coyote or stray dog, but viewers were less convinced. The creature’s strange movements and appearance led many to speculate it was the elusive chupacabra, migrating farther into the American heartland.

The legend of the chupacabra has crossed borders, influenced pop culture, and inspired both scientific investigation and mass hysteria. While many sightings can be explained as coyotes or dogs suffering from disease, the enduring mystery of the chupacabra remains one of the most fascinating cryptid stories of our time. Whether a real creature or simply a product of folklore, the chupacabra continues to captivate those who encounter its myth.

That concludes the top ten chupacabra sightings! Each one reflects a part of the broader cultural phenomenon that has helped keep the legend alive.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

The Top 5 Cryptids That Might Actually Be Real

The Top 5 Cryptids That Might Actually Be Real

Cryptids, mysterious creatures whose existence remains unverified by science, have captivated human imagination for centuries. While many remain steeped in folklore, some have gathered intriguing evidence suggesting they could be real. Here are five cryptids that may actually exist, with supporting evidence and sources.

1. Sasquatch/Bigfoot

Sasquatch, also known as Bigfoot, is one of the most famous cryptids in North America. Eyewitness accounts, footprint casts, and strange audio recordings continue to provide tantalizing clues to its existence.

Eyewitness Accounts: Thousands of credible reports describe encounters with a large, bipedal creature. These include testimonies from hunters, park rangers, and law enforcement officers.

Footprint Evidence: Dr. Jeff Meldrum, a professor of anatomy and anthropology at Idaho State University, has examined numerous Sasquatch footprint casts that display unique characteristics, including dermal ridges.

Sasquatch Sounds: The famous "Sierra Sounds," recorded by Ron Morehead, have been analyzed by bioacoustic experts. Some researchers believe they could represent a complex language used by Sasquatch.

For further details, see:  

2. The Loch Ness Monster

Known as "Nessie," the Loch Ness Monster has been reported in Scotland's Loch Ness for centuries. While most believe Nessie is a myth, some modern evidence suggests it could be a real creature, possibly a surviving marine reptile like a plesiosaur.

Sonar Evidence: In 2011, a sonar-imaging project detected a 5-foot-long object moving beneath a boat in Loch Ness at a depth of 75 feet. Other similar sonar findings add to the mystery.

Eyewitness Sightings: Numerous sightings describe a large, long-necked creature. Some of these sightings date back to the early 20th century and continue to this day.

For more info, go to:  

3. Mokele-Mbembe

The Mokele-Mbembe, reportedly living in the Congo River Basin, is often described as a large, long-necked creature resembling a sauropod dinosaur. Indigenous tribes and various expeditions report sightings of this mysterious animal.

Local Accounts: Many tribes in the Congo describe Mokele-Mbembe as a large creature with a long neck and tail, resembling a dinosaur. Their descriptions have remained consistent over time.

Expeditions and Reports: Cryptozoologists like Roy Mackal have led expeditions into the Congo to investigate the creature. While no conclusive evidence has been found, there are multiple credible reports of sightings by locals and explorers alike.

For more on Mokele-Mbembe, visit:  

4. **Chupacabra

The Chupacabra, first reported in Puerto Rico in the 1990s, is said to attack livestock and drain them of blood. Described as either a reptilian creature with spikes or a hairless, dog-like animal, the Chupacabra has sparked interest worldwide.

Animal Carcass Evidence: Farmers have discovered livestock killed with precise puncture wounds and drained of blood. While some cases can be explained by natural predators, the method of attack remains unusual.

Biological Evidence: In Texas and other parts of the U.S., strange, hairless animals resembling Chupacabras have been captured. DNA analysis has sometimes shown them to be mangy coyotes, but the unusual characteristics of these animals have kept the mystery alive.

To learn more, check out:  

5. Thylacine (Tasmanian Tiger)

The Thylacine, a carnivorous marsupial native to Australia and Tasmania, was declared extinct in the 1930s after the last known individual died in captivity. However, hundreds of sightings have been reported since, leading some to believe the Thylacine may still be alive.

Eyewitness Reports: Numerous sightings of Thylacines have been reported in both Tasmania and mainland Australia since their official extinction. In 2016, footage captured by camera traps in Australia sparked new interest in the possibility of the Thylacine's survival.

DNA Studies: Scientists have been able to extract DNA from preserved Thylacine specimens, and there are ongoing efforts to explore whether it might be possible to bring this species back through de-extinction efforts.

For more info, go to:  

While science remains cautious about the existence of these cryptids, evidence continues to accumulate in the form of eyewitness accounts, physical traces, and biological analyses. As technology improves, there may come a day when these creatures step out from the shadows of myth into the light of reality.