Forensic Evidence
Here are pictures of their work and a footprint found in the area...

Environmental DNA or eDNA is DNA that is collected from a variety of environmental samples such as soil, seawater, snow or even air rather than directly sampled from an individual organism. As various organisms interact with the environment, DNA is expelled and accumulates in their surroundings.
Proof a Bigfoot Creature Lives in the Mount St Helens area of Washington State
COAST TO COAST AM. Mitchel Townsend reported on his research paper (selected images) which he believes proves that a Bigfoot-like creature resides in the Mount St. Helens area of Washington state. In 2013, he came upon a stack of deer bones, and noticed they had giant teeth marks notched into them-- the markings did not fit any predator profile and were too large to have been made by humans. Further, large footprints with a length of 16 inches were found near the bones. Extrapolating the teeth and footprint measurements, Townsend concluded that the creature is around 8 ½ feet tall, with a wide stride.
Proof a Bigfoot Creature Lives in the Mount St Helens area of Washington State

Mitchel Townsend recently co-authored a scientific paper which he says definitively proves the existence of an unidentified Bigfoot-like creature in the Mount St. Helen's area of Washington state. Their conclusions are confirmed, verified and have not been disproven or even questioned by the 30 PhD’s that they have sent it to for analysis. Additionally, he has taught two ground breaking "Bigfoot" courses at the college level.
Professor Townsend specializes in designing accelerated digital learning environments for adult learners in higher education and organizational training settings. He is a Presidential and International Honors Scholar with degrees from the University of Puget Sound (BA), Pepperdine Graduate School of Education and Psychology (MA), and has almost completed an (EdD) from the University of Calgary’s, Graduate Division of Educational Research focused upon creating global learning communities supported and augmented by social networking structures.

Mitchel Townsend recently co-authored a scientific paper which he says definitively proves the existence of an unidentified Bigfoot-like creature in the Mount St. Helen's area of Washington state. Their conclusions are confirmed, verified and have not been disproven or even questioned by the 30 PhD’s that they have sent it to for analysis. Additionally, he has taught two ground breaking "Bigfoot" courses at the college level.
Professor Townsend specializes in designing accelerated digital learning environments for adult learners in higher education and organizational training settings. He is a Presidential and International Honors Scholar with degrees from the University of Puget Sound (BA), Pepperdine Graduate School of Education and Psychology (MA), and has almost completed an (EdD) from the University of Calgary’s, Graduate Division of Educational Research focused upon creating global learning communities supported and augmented by social networking structures.
George Knapp Bigfoot DNA is unlike Anything Ever Seen - Why Melba Ketchum was Right about the DNA: Sasquatch is a Fellow Human Species
Editor's Note: A book skeptical of Ketchum's study entitled The Sasquatch Genome Project A Failed DNA Study still had to admit that five samples could be from "a different but human-like primate." While there may be some flaws in Ketchum's work, I've now come to think it's more noteworthy than not. Too many in the Bigfoot community with expertise have vested interests. The laymen are largely just following along those who have said interests. The main cricisms from the non-experts centered around peer-review. Double blind independent labs are arguably better than peer-review and certainly a good alternative when being shafted by the corrupt peer-review process. For proof of this corruption, watch this video to learn about a global warming hoax paper correlating penises as being causal to climate change, that passed peer-review!
Also see:
ASCE Journals refuse to correct fraudulent paper they published on WTC collapses, by Tony Szamboti and Richard Johns
A new letter has been published at the Journal of 9/11 Studies which expands upon the points made in the peer-reviewed paper “Some Misunderstandings Related to WTC Collapse Analysis.” As explained by the authors, what's particularly noteworthy is the JEM's unjustified reasons for rejecting their original paper. Very interesting considering that James Gourley also experienced problems with the JEM in publishing a response to Dr. Bazant et. al. I'm genuinely suspicious that the JEM may indeed have a bias towards Bazant and his "crush down/crush up" theory.
More Info:
George Knapp Bigfoot DNA is unlike Anything Ever Seen
COAST TO COAST AM. George Knapp was joined by DNA expert Melba Ketchum, who provided an update on her scientific study and DNA analysis from samples of possible Sasquatch hair. She also talked about how her work with Native Americans has validated a lot of the unusual aspects ascribed to the creature. On her website Sasquatch Genome Project, Ketchum said she posted a letter from a PhD technician who tested some of the DNA sequences, not knowing what they were. The tester told her they didn't compare to anything they've ever sequenced, and wanted to know if they had a discovered a new species. Ketchum has speculated that Bigfoot may be a hybrid species, or a different branch of modern human.
News Coverage/Press Conference:
George Knapp Bigfoot DNA is unlike Anything Ever Seen - Why Melba Ketchum was Right about the DNA: Sasquatch is a Fellow Human Species
Also see:
ASCE Journals refuse to correct fraudulent paper they published on WTC collapses, by Tony Szamboti and Richard Johns
A new letter has been published at the Journal of 9/11 Studies which expands upon the points made in the peer-reviewed paper “Some Misunderstandings Related to WTC Collapse Analysis.” As explained by the authors, what's particularly noteworthy is the JEM's unjustified reasons for rejecting their original paper. Very interesting considering that James Gourley also experienced problems with the JEM in publishing a response to Dr. Bazant et. al. I'm genuinely suspicious that the JEM may indeed have a bias towards Bazant and his "crush down/crush up" theory.
More Info:
George Knapp Bigfoot DNA is unlike Anything Ever Seen
COAST TO COAST AM. George Knapp was joined by DNA expert Melba Ketchum, who provided an update on her scientific study and DNA analysis from samples of possible Sasquatch hair. She also talked about how her work with Native Americans has validated a lot of the unusual aspects ascribed to the creature. On her website Sasquatch Genome Project, Ketchum said she posted a letter from a PhD technician who tested some of the DNA sequences, not knowing what they were. The tester told her they didn't compare to anything they've ever sequenced, and wanted to know if they had a discovered a new species. Ketchum has speculated that Bigfoot may be a hybrid species, or a different branch of modern human.
News Coverage/Press Conference:
George Knapp Bigfoot DNA is unlike Anything Ever Seen - Why Melba Ketchum was Right about the DNA: Sasquatch is a Fellow Human Species
The following year his team returned to the Himilayas and recovered a hair sample that was DNA tested as being from a primate, but was excluded as being human."
On April 21, 2008, Josh Gates traveled to Walt Disney World in Florida to meet with Joe Rohde, Executive Designer of Walt Disney Imagineering. Gates presented Rohde with a cast of the "Yeti" footprint. The cast will soon be placed on display at Expedition Everest, a Himalayan-themed, high-speed, coaster-like attraction where guests come face-to-face with a Yeti.[5]
David Paulides Presents Bigfoot 101 Class 11, DNA
Excerpt from Sasquatch: Legend Meets Science:Hair Sample Microscope Analysis
The first step in analyzing hair/fiber samples is microscope analysis -- not DNA analysis. DNA analysis is a time consuming, expensive process that should only be directed at hairs that have been been vetted via microscopy first. - Source:
Wolf-Henrich (Henner) Fahrenbach, Ph.D., is widely considered to be adept in the identification of hair and, as of 1999, had accumulated a collection of over a dozen samples thought to be of sasquatch origin. - Source:
From 1996:
Henner concludes that 10 samples in three states represent an unknown primate. - Source:
Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization Hair/Fiber Identification Galleries
Dr. Henner Fahrenbach had been receiving, analyzing and vetting hair/fiber samples for the BFRO for the past 12 years or so. He has graciously provided a comparitive microscope slide for reference (included in the linked album...). This sample from Fahrenbach was one of a few (among the many submitted) that he believes may be from a non-human primate. His conclusion in that regard considers a wide variety of factors... - Source:
According to Fahrenback, the hallmark of Sasquatch hair is the absence of an unimportant innermost layer called the medulla. The medulla is often not present in some human hair and scientists has yet to determine the purpose of the medulla.
Fahrenback believes that human and sasquatch hair have considerable similarities, but there are some phylogenetical differences that makes sasquatch hair unique.
The Medulla
The innermost or center portion of the hair shaft is called the
medulla. It is composed of round cells, two to five rows across. Thick
or coarse hair usually contains a medulla. Fine hair for the most part
lacks a medulla, as does naturally blond hair. The purpose of the
medulla has not yet been determined
Microbiologist Dr. Kurt Nelson of the University of Minnesota, doing the testing states,"The scientific evidence at this point is suggesting that there really is an animal there." He further states, "I got DNA that was primate DNA and I knew that I might be looking at the DNA of a Sasquatch." The show states that there is only a one in 5000 chance that what he studied was human DNA. This being because, "It was determined that the DNA was 99.4% to 99.6% identical to human DNA. Chimpanzee DNA is 98.3% the same as human."
Find all the latest news on the search for Bigfoot DNA at:

11-12-2012 - Satellite with Latitude and Longitude of London Trackway - Source
As Finding Bigfoot's Cliff Barackman states on his site, "The London Trackway is a unique event in Bigfooting history." This series of 122 (not 120 as shown above) Bigfoot prints resulted in a record shattering 64 successive footprint casts being taken, the former record being 10 according to James "Bobo" Fay.
Print number 10 out of 122.
Barackman notes that:
Every bigfooter that has seen the casts have all walked away from inspecting them with the impression that these are probably the real deal. These bigfooters include Thom Powell, Guy Edwards, Toby Johnson, Joe Beelart, Autumn Williams, John Kirk, Dr. Jeff Meldrum, Will Robinson, Derek Randles, Daniel Perez, Dr. John Bindernagel, Dr. Leila Hadj-Chikh, Larry Lund, James "Bobo" Fay, and more (some wish to remain anonymous). Several biologists that are not tied up in bigfoot have also examined them, and all have been very intrigued with what was observed.A ton of further history and ongoing research data can be found at Barackman's page dedicated to this historic find.
What if Hoaxers are Faking Bigfoot Tracks in More Sophisticated Ways Than Wooden Replicas?
The Skookum Cast

The photo above shows the cast after most of the mud was removed. Standing beside it at the initial examination outside Seattle, are (from left):
- Physical Anthropologist and author, Dr. Grover Krantz
- Journalist and author, John Green
- Wildlife Biologist and author, Dr. John Bindernagel
Primate Anatomist Dr. Jeff Meldrum of Idaho State University (shown below) directed the final cleaning of the cast. The remaining mud was removed in a careful, painstaking manner. Hairs of various animals, including one unidentified primate, were extracted from this final layer of mud.

- Source:
Green Says Skookum Cast May Be Proof
John Green, a career newspaperman in Canada, has been deeply involved in the the sasquatch investigation since before the first cast of a "Bigfoot" track was made in California in 1958. He is probably more familiar with the mass of evidence accumulated over the years than is any other individual. The following is what he has to say about the Skookum cast.For more than 40 years I have held the opinion that science can not be convinced of the existence of sasquatches by anything less than physical remains. I have now changed my opinion. I think the Skookum cast can do it, provided that enough influential zoologosts, mammalogists, anatomists, primatologists, etc. will take a serious look at it.
I have had the privilege of being able to spend considerable time examining the cast on two occasions, once before much of the dirt was removed from it and once since, both times in the company of Dr. Grover Krantz and Dr. Jeff Meldrum among others.
On the first occasion dirt still hid most of the dermatoglyphics, the forearm imprint was still just a questionable dirt-covered hump, and estimates of the length of the body parts were largely guesswork. Even then all of the people present, five of whom held doctorates, agreed with the trio who found the imprint that the only thing that could have made it was a huge bipedal primate which had sat down in the mud and then turned on its side.
After that Jeff Meldrum spent several days carefully uncovering the details, revealing consistent hair patterns on all parts of the imprint, including the forearm, and large areas of clear dermal ridges where the heels had dug in.
Since no large creatures except primates have dermal ridges at all, there is no possibility that any animal other than a higher primate could have made the heel imprints. Each species of higher primate has a different pattern, and none has a heel this large. Further, Dr. Meldrum, who is a professor of anatomy, was able to determine the position of the joints for some of the limbs, establishing that the bones were 40 to 50 percent longer than those of a 6-foot human.
The evidence that this imprint was made by a very large, unknown, higher primate is, in my opinion, compelling. I would not anticipate that every qualified person who examines would come to the same conclusion, but I feel sure that the vast majority would have to, whatever their preconceptions.
"Found in a remote area of the Cascade Mountains known as Skookum Meadows, the BFRO team cast the imprint using more than 200 pounds of plaster. Named the 'Skookum Cast,' this monumental piece of Bigfoot evidence is shipped to a laboratory in Seattle for forensic analysis...
Part three of this Bigfoot Special takes us to Seattle where the "Skookum Cast" is tested by some of the worlds leading experts including Dr Jeff Meldrum from Idaho University. All agree this is one of the most significant pieces of Bigfoot physical evidence ever discovered... could we be a step closer to proving the existence of a North America giant ape?" - Source:
Cripple-Foot Prints
Dr. Grover Krantz stated that the nature of the creature’s deformed foot was such that if the prints were a fabrication then whoever made them had to have a superior knowledge of anatomy. Such knowledge, he reasoned, was far beyond that of nonprofessional people. Although the deformed foot appears to show just four toes, it is reasoned that one toe “pushed up” as a result of the deformity so did not touch the ground.
- Sources:
Audio Evidence
What Kinds of Sounds Do Sasquatch Make? - Sasquatch Sounds vs Known Animal Sounds
Primatologist Records Big Foot's Howl In The Woods | Expedition Bigfoot
Video and Photo Evidence
Highly Probable, Possible, Inconclusive, and Widely Rejected Sasquatch Videos and Photos
The following are some comments on this page...
"Wow man, that is a serious article on Big Foot. I don't, and may never really believe in it, until I see one in real life kind of like until I saw a UFO I didn't believe. But this is as close as it gets for me with evidence to making me almost believe." - Source: skywatcher »
"This is a GREAT idea. I have long wanted a website that showcases the best bigfoot
evidence that has ever been found, while at the same time eliminating a
lot of the garbage as well as the evidence that is highly
inconclusive. But of course there is the problem of knowing which
videos to include and whatnot..." - Source: - JiggyPotamus »
We hope you'll find the flexible criteria for inclusion of evidence we've established thus far to your liking. Again, let us know if not.
idea of making this link and putting much of the evidence in one
specific area. The one thing that you may consider adding is the
statistical data on footprints, strides, and trackways made by Dr.
Fahrenbach. I found one link to an outline of this data and will post
it here.
Almost all evidence can be hoaxed or faked, but statistics are just data gathered and analyzed and to me are compelling especially the bell curve on footprints that shows a living and reproducing population based on distribution of footprints documented. Skeptics will argue garbage in, garbage out, but this is not what the data shows me. If it is something you and others think should be included, you should be able to find other references to it." - UPs
"Nice job in putting all those bits together: looks interesting." - brent michalycia
"Cool, thanks for sharing." - - simplyskyla
"Looking very cool!"- gershake
"Cool, thanks for sharing." - - simplyskyla
"Looking very cool!"- gershake