Tuesday, September 18, 2018

George Knapp Native American Skinwalkers in the Southwest US

COAST TO COAST AM. George Knapp was joined by cryptozoologist JC Johnson, who provided an update on his research and experiences with cryptids as well as Native American skinwalkers in the Southwest US. He explained that skinwalkers are Native Americans believed to be able to transform into an animal such as a bear or wolf via supernatural means. According to Johnson, Navajo skinwalkers originally had a peaceful coexistence with their tribe and served as scouts against advancing forces such as the Spanish Conquistadors or American cavalry. However, following the captivity of the Navajo at Fort Sumter, he said, they began adopting practices learned from their captors and became more concerned with personal property. In turn, Johnson revealed, skinwalkers started performing more nefarious deeds against their own tribe as in-fighting grew amongst the community.

George Knapp Native American Skinwalkers in the Southwest US