Nekaris is a world-renowned Professor in Primate Conservation at Oxford
Brookes University, specialising in lorises, nocturnal mammals, Asian
primates and even cryptohominoids.
Basic info
Joined Facebook | 02/01/2012 |
Affiliation | Oxford Brookes University |
Awards | Queen's Anniversary Prize in Higher Education for the MSc in Primate Conservation; Lawrence Jacobsen Award for Conservation |
Gender | Female |
Contact info
Website | http://www.nocturama.org |
Prof Anna Nekaris is a Professor in Anthropology and Primate Conservation studying the unique group of evolutionary distinct primates known as the Asian lorises. Her studies cover all ten species, including five she named or elevated from subspecies. Anna is the Course Tutor for the highly acclaimed MSc in Primate Conservation at Oxford Brookes University, Director of the Little Fireface Project and Convenor of the Nocturnal Primate Research Group. She completed her BA in Anthropology at the University of Missouri Columbia,USA in 1993, followed by a Certificat d’Universite de Primatologie from the Universite de Louis Pasteur Strasbourg France in 1994 and her PhD in Anthropology at Washington University St Louis, USA in 2000.
Anna’s research on lorises ranges from behavioural ecology in zoos, rescue centres and in the wild, museum studies, genetics, acoustics, taxonomy, conservation education and now a novel study of chemical ecology and how this bizarre primate is one of the only mammals that produces venom. Despite reports of this extraordinary phenomenon 40 years ago, virtually nothing is known about how slow lorises use venom. Go to the next tab to see her publications.
Of her more than 60 postgraduate students, over 25 of Anna’s MSc, MRes, MPhil and PhD students, including from range countries, have completed research on lorises. Anna has a world-wide association with rescue centres, field stations, and zoos with need of advice regarding lorises. Anna’s advice has also been sought when an illegal YouTube video of a pet loris, which violated international legislation, became viral reaching over 12 million hits. Lorises are protected under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species therefore Anna campaigned on over 800 radio stations and television programmes to urge YouTube to remove this illegal video – it is one example of how her research has worldwide impact.

Who is Dr Anna Nekaris? She describes herself as:
...a member of the IUCN Primates Specialist Group, Conservation Working Party of the Primate Society of Great Britain, and on the editorial board of Endangered Species Research and Folia Primatologica. I have been studying the behaviour, ecology, conservation and taxonomy of Asian mammals since 1994, although my research has also taken me to Kenya, Uganda, Senegal, Costa Rica, and Trinidad. My primary interests lie with Asia’s slow and slender lorises.http://www.bigfootlunchclub.com/2011/02/anna-nekaris-searching-for-yeti.html
Searching for the Yeti
The Bigfoot ProjectPublished on Jul 9, 2014
Dr. Anna Nekaris Lecture
Professor Nekaris is also featured in this excellent documentary on Bigfoot.